Invitation to presentation of Coor’s Q1 2023 Report on April 26, 2023
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Invitation to presentation of Coor’s Q1 2023 Report on April 26, 2023

Coor Service Management will be publishing its Q1 2023 Report on April 26, at 07:30 CEST. Accordingly, we’re inviting investors, analysts and media to a webcast (in English) on April, 26, at 10:00 CEST, where Coor’s President and CEO AnnaCarin Grandin together with CFO and IR Director Andreas Engdahl will present and comment on the Interim Report.

To participate in the webcast, please register in advance via the following links. The audio link is for listening only and when you want to have the possibility to ask a verbal question. If you are not going to ask any questions, but want to see the presentation, just click on the link for the webcast.

Webcast Audience URL (to register for the web portion without the possibility to ask questions):

Audio Conference Call Access (to register for the audio and the possibility to ask questions verbally):

The power point presented as well as a recording of the webcast will be published on the Company's website under the Investors/Reports and presentations-tab.

Please find more information, images etc. at or contact:

Andreas Engdahl, CFO and IR Director, Coor

+46 10 559 54 63 

Magdalena Öhrn, Communications Director, Coor

+46 10 559 55 19

About Coor:

As the leading provider of facility management services, Coor aims to create the happiest, healthiest and most prosperous workplace environments in the Nordic region. Coor offers specialist expertise in workplace services, property services and strategic advisory services. Coor creates value by executing, developing and streamlining our customers’ service activities. This enables our customers to do what they do best.

Coor’s customer base includes many large and small companies and public-sector organisations across the Nordic region, including ABB, Aibel, the Danish Building and Property Agency, DNV, DSB, Ericsson, Equinor, ICA, Karolinska University Hospital in Solna, PKA - “Danish Police, Public Prosecution Authority and Prison and Probation Service”, PostNord, Saab, Sandvik, SAS, Skanska, Telia Company, Vasakronan and Volvo Cars.

Coor was founded in 1998 and has been listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since 2015. Coor takes responsibility for the operations it conducts, in relation to its customers, employees and shareholders, as well as for its wider impact on society and the environment. Read more at






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