Invitation to Physitrack PLC Q2 2024 interim report webcast conference
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Invitation to Physitrack PLC Q2 2024 interim report webcast conference

The global digital healthcare provider Physitrack PLC (PTRK) plans to publish its Q2 2024 interim report on August 13, 2024, at 08.00 CEST. A webcast conference will take place at 10.00 CEST.

Physitrack PLC's Q2 2024 interim report will be published in English and will be available on

Webcast conference:
August 13, 2024, at 10.00 CEST. The presentation will be held in English and will be available on after the webcast conference.

Henrik Molin, CEO
Charlotte Goodwin, CFO

Link to webcast registration:

Participants will be able to ask questions through the web chat.

Enquiries regarding this announcement should be addressed to:
Henrik Molin, CEO, Physitrack.
+44 208 133 9325

About Physitrack
Physitrack PLC, founded in 2012, is a global digital healthcare provider, focused on the B2B wellness and virtual-first care markets. With staff with 18 nationalities on four continents, customers in 17 time zones, and end users in 187 countries, Physitrack is a truly global company.

The company has two business lines:

1. Lifecare  – SaaS platform tailored mainly to physiotherapy and musculoskeletal care providers, enabling practitioners to deliver clinical home exercises, education prescription, outcomes tracking, triaging and Telehealth.

2. Wellness / Champion Health – SaaS platform for Employee Wellness and care powered by a combination of world-leading technology and wellness professionals based in the United Kingdom, Germany and the Nordics.

Physitrack PLC is headquartered in London, United Kingdom, and listed on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market (PTRK).

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