Interim report January-September 2022 - Börskollen
Börskollen - Aktier, fonder och ekonominyheter


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Interim report January-September 2022

  • Profit from property management attributable to parent company shareholders amounted to SEK 4,601m (3,924), corresponding to an increase per share by 17 % to SEK 4.11 (3.51)
  • Long term net asset value amounted to SEK 92.84 per share (75.74)
  • Rental income amounted to SEK 7,716m (6,535)
  • Profit after tax attributable to parent company shareholders amounted to SEK 9,329m (11,120) corresponding to SEK 8.34 per share (9.94)

Profit from property management for the period amounted to SEK 5,030m (4,376). Profit from property management attributable to parent company shareholders amounted to SEK 4,601m (3,924), which corresponds to an increase per share of 17 % to SEK 4.11 (3.51). Profit from property management includes SEK 1,453m (932) in respect of associated companies.

Net profit after tax for the period amounted to SEK 10,277m (11,903). Net profit after tax for the period attributable to parent company shareholders amounted to SEK 9,329m (11,120), corresponding to SEK 8.34 per share (9.94). Profit before tax was affected by unrealised changes in value in respect of investment properties of SEK 6,213m (7,436), realised changes in value in respect of investment properties of SEK 58m (109), profit from sales of development properties SEK 69m (215), changes in value of interest rate derivatives of SEK 1,334m (415) and profit from participations in associated companies of SEK 873m (2,096).

For further information, please contact:
Erik Selin, CEO, tel. +46 (0)31-10 95 92
Ewa Wassberg, Head of Finance, tel. +46 (0)31-351 83 99

This is information that Fastighets AB Balder is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 08:00 CET on 28 October 2022.

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Press release Interim report January-September 2022
Interim report January-September 2022 28 October 2022 12pm

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