Insider notification: Jesper Funck, Head of R&D has sold 557 674 shares between 11-15 February
Jesper Funck, Head of R&D, has sold 557 674 shares between 11-15 February 2022 for an average price of 11,22 SEK, totaling to approx. 6,3 MSEK.
The sale was solely due to personal financial reasons. Jesper Funck
has been employed for four years and is continuously committed to
Bambuser as an employee and shareholder with holdings of approx. 271
000 shares and 620 000 stock options.
Bambuser fully understands that this activity might raise questions
and we want to emphasize that it was a planned decision of a strictly
personal and private nature. The entire management stands united and
fully committed to Bambuser and its onward journey.
Maryam Ghahremani