Inside information: QPR Software Plc’s CEO Jussi Vasama to leave his position
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Inside information: QPR Software Plc’s CEO Jussi Vasama to leave his position

QPR SOFTWARE PLC                        INSIDE INFORMATION                  20 December 2022 at 9:30 am EET

QPR Software Plc’s CEO Jussi Vasama has announced his resignation in order to assume a new position outside of QPR. Vasama will continue in his position until April 18, 2023. The company's Board of Directors will immediately initiate measures to hire a new CEO.

"During my tenure, QPR Software has gone through a major change process, which has created a sustainable foundation for growth and profitable business in the company. The company has a new strategy, a strong executive management team, and its product offering has been renewed. In accordance with the strategy, the focus of the company's software business has been shifted to the SaaS (Software as a Service) model of process mining, which also focuses on consulting services and their growth in the future," says Jussi Vasama.

"On behalf of the board and the entire company, I thank Jussi for his significant contribution to QPR's development. Jussi has piloted the company through a challenging change process and at the same time created a foundation for sustainable business growth. I wish Jussi success in his new position", comments Pertti Ervi, chairman of the board of QPR Software.

For further information:

QPR Software Oyj

Pertti Ervi

Chairman of the Board

Contacts via QPR communications:

About QPR Software

QPR Software Plc (Nasdaq Helsinki) provides process mining, performance management, and enterprise architecture solutions for digital transformation, strategy execution, and business process improvement in over 50 countries. QPR software allows customers to gain valuable insights for informed decisions that make a difference.


Nasdaq Helsinki

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