Inside information: Karri Alameri appointed as the CEO of Oma Savings Bank Plc
Karri Alameri
Inside information: Karri Alameri appointed as the CEO of Oma Savings Bank Plc
The Board of Directors of Oma Savings Bank Plc (OmaSp or Company) has appointed Karri Alameri, M.Sc. (Econ.), CEFA as the new CEO of the Company. Alameri will start in his position no later than 1 April 2025. Interim CEO Sarianna Liiri will continue in her position until Alameri starts.
Karri Alameri (b. 1963) has strong experience in the financial sector. Alameri joins OmaSp from the Savings Banks Group, where he has served as CEO since 2022. Prior to this, he has held several demanding management positions in the Savings Banks Group, OP Financial Group and Danske Bank.
"We started the search process for the new CEO in June, and I am very pleased with its rapid progress and outcome. Karri Alameri is distinguished in the financial sector and enjoys broad trust. We especially appreciate his strong leadership skills in different operating environments and market situations. Karri is the best possible choice as the CEO, and I am glad that we can get a CEO like him to continue implementing the Company's strategy towards the next phase. I warmly welcome Karri to OmaSp," says Jaakko Ossa, Chairman of the Board.
"OmaSp has skilled personnel and satisfied customers, and the bank has been able to find good growth areas. The flow of news has been exceptionally challenging in recent months, but I see that it is good to build the future success of OmaSp on the existing strengths and bring the bank back to a good growth and earnings track. I am excited to accept the position as the CEO of the largest savings bank in Finland”, tells Karri Alameri.
A prerequisite for the appointment is that the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) has no objections to the appointment.
Oma Savings Bank Plc
Additional information:
Jaakko Ossa, Chairman of the Board, tel. +358 40 044 0139
Minna Sillanpää, CCO, tel. +358 50 66592, [email protected]
Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd
Major media
OmaSp is a solvent and profitable Finnish bank. About 500 professionals provide nationwide services through OmaSp’s 45 branch offices and digital service channels to over 200,000 private and corporate customers. OmaSp focuses primarily on retail banking operations and provides its clients with a broad range of banking services both through its own balance sheet as well as by acting as an intermediary for its partners’ products. The intermediated products include credit, investment and loan insurance products. OmaSp is also engaged in mortgage banking operations.
OmaSp core idea is to provide personal service and to be local and close to its customers, both in digital and traditional channels. OmaSp strives to offer premium level customer experience through personal service and easy accessibility. In addition, the development of the operations and services is customer-oriented. The personnel is committed and OmaSp seeks to support their career development with versatile tasks and continuous development. A substantial part of the personnel also own shares in OmaSp.