Inside information: Glaston’s CEO Toni Laaksonen leaves the company
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Inside information: Glaston’s CEO Toni Laaksonen leaves the company

GLASTON CORPORATION     INSIDE INFORMATION     17 February 2025 at 17.20

Toni Laaksonen has submitted a resignation from his position as the CEO of Glaston Corporation to join another company. The exact transition date will be communicated in due course.

The Board of Directors will start the search for a new CEO immediately.

Further information:

Veli-Matti Reinikkala, Chair of the Board of Directors, tel. +358 10 500 500

Glaston in brief

Glaston is the glass processing industry’s innovative technology leader supplying equipment, services and solutions to the architectural, mobility, display and solar industries. The company also supports the development of new technologies integrating intelligence to glass.

Glaston is committed to providing its clients with both the best know-how and the latest technologies in glass processing, with the purpose of building a better tomorrow through safer, smarter, and more energy efficient glass solutions. Glaston operates globally with manufacturing, services and sales offices in nine countries and its shares (GLA1V) are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.

Distribution: Nasdaq OMX, key media,

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