Impero reinforces confidence in internal control setup and receives the important ISAE 3402 Type I audit statement
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Impero reinforces confidence in internal control setup and receives the important ISAE 3402 Type I audit statement

Copenhagen, September 7, 2022

Reassuring Impero’s customers of the strength of our internal control setup, we continue to emphasize transparency initiatives and have obtained the ISAE 3402 Type I assurance statement performed by Deloitte, one of the industry-leading audit and assurance firms.

The ISAE 3402

The International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3402 (ISAE 3402) is an international assurance standard that provides customers and other stakeholders with information on policies, procedures, and controls that may be relevant to their internal control structure and financial statements.

Impero has received an audit statement pertaining to the ISAE 3402 Type I. Deloitte has examined the internal controls and risk management activities in place to protect customer information and provided assurance that Impero’s controls are correctly designed and in place.

Security is in our DNA

With a promise of simplifying compliance, obtaining the ISAE 3402 type I statement was a natural next step for Impero. The statement builds on our ISAE 3000 Type II audits and TISAX® Certification (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange), which verifies that the Impero platform lives up to the strict requirements of the German Association of the Automotive Industry.

In addition to the TISAX® Certification and the ISAE 3000 Type II, the ISAE 3402 statement facilitates a simplified evaluation of Impero’s internal controls and risk management by customers and prospective customers and is an important step in enabling commercial scaling of Impero.

Independent auditors will perform an ISAE 3402 Type II audit annually, ensuring end-to-end audit coverage of the periods. Moreover, external vendors continue to perform penetration tests to further ensure data security in Impero.

Gearing for future growth

As an organization delivering a Software as a Service platform, security audits are significant in providing adequate information to customers about the safety and integrity of their data.

Impero CTO Allan Lykke Christensen explains the IT Security organization’s continued commitment to securing data integrity and delivering robust security setups: “The ISAE 3402 is an important step in reassuring our customers of the strength of our internal control setup in Impero. With this audit statement, we once again demonstrate our ability to process the most sensitive data safely and securely for some of the world’s largest organizations.”

For more information, please contact:

Rikke Stampe Skov, CEO

E: [email protected]

M: (+45) 25 88 41 02

About Impero

Impero A/S is a Danish Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) company that provides a compliance management platform. The Impero platform enables companies to easily manage compliance through automation of risk and control management, documentation, and reporting. Impero empowers companies to become more compliant in a scalable, digital, intuitive, and – most importantly – easy way.

For more information about Impero, please visit

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