IDEX Biometrics: subscription rights exercise - 20 Mar 2024 - Börskollen
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IDEX Biometrics: subscription rights exercise - 20 Mar 2024

The board of directors of IDEX Biometrics ASA has resolved to issue in total 365,900 ordinary shares at NOK 0.75 per share to employees who have exercised incentive subscription rights. The incentive subscription rights were issued under the company’s 2019 incentive subscription rights plan, which plan was approved by the annual general meeting on 9 May 2019. 

Following the issue, the company's share capital will be NOK 42,018,983.25 divided into 280,126,555 shares each with a nominal value of NOK 0.15. Following the exercise, there are 18,601,032 incentive subscription rights outstanding. 

For further information contact:
Marianne Bøe, Head of investor relations
Tel: + 47 9180 0186

About IDEX Biometrics
IDEX Biometrics ASA (OSE: IDEX) is a global technology leader in fingerprint biometrics, offering authentication solutions across payments, access control, and digital identity. Our solutions bring convenience, security, peace of mind and seamless user experiences to the world. Built on patented and proprietary sensor technologies, integrated circuit designs, and software, our biometric solutions target card-based applications for payments and digital authentication. As an industry-enabler we partner with leading card manufacturers and technology companies to bring our solutions to market. 

For more information, visit

About this notice
This notice was published by Erling Svela, Vice president of finance, on 20 March 2024 at 23:15 CET on behalf of IDEX Biometrics ASA. The information shall be disclosed according to section 5‑8 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act (STA) and published in accordance with section 5‑12 of the STA.

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