IDEX Biometrics extraordinary general meeting held on 19 June 2024
IDEX Biometrics ASA held an extraordinary general meeting on 19 June 2024. 97.2 million shares or 31.6% of the share capital was represented at the meeting.
Item 6 on the agenda, Board, was withdrawn because the nomination committee had not put forward any proposals.
All other resolutions were passed as proposed by the board, with an update as regards dates in item 4 on the agenda, Subsequent offering.
At agenda item 3, Private placement; Issue of Tranche 2 shares, the extraordinary general meeting resolved to issue 5,393,120 shares at NOK 1.65 per share in Tranche 2 of the private placement on 15 May 2024. Following the issue of the Tranche 2 shares, the Company’s share capital is NOK 47,018,983.20 divided into 313,459,888 shares each with a nominal value of NOK 0.15 per share and issued in name.
The change of dates at agenda item 4, Subsequent offering, was caused by the Norwegian Financial Surveillance Authority’s approval schedule for the forthcoming prospectus. Paragraph 4 of the resolution on agenda item 4 reads: The subscription period for the Subsequent Offering will commence on 22 August 2024 and end on 5 September 2024 at 16:30 hrs (CET) or at such later date as determined by the Board, but not later than commencing 23 September 2024 and ending on 7 October 2024. In the event that the Prospectus related to the Subsequent Offering has not been approved by the FSA by the end of 21 August 2024, the subscription period will commence on the first trading day on Oslo Børs following FSA approval and no later than 23 September 2024 and end at 16:30 hrs (CET) 14 calendar days later. The more detailed criteria for subscription will be determined by the Board and described in the prospectus.
At agenda item 5 Issue of warrants, the extraordinary general meeting resolved to issue warrants to investors participating in the Private Placement (both Tranche 1 and Tranche 2) and the Subsequent Offering. The number of warrants which may be issued shall be one warrant for each share subscribed for and allocated in the Private Placement or the Subsequent Offering. The exercise price is NOK 1.65. The maximum number of warrants that may be issued is 41,333,333.
For further information contact:
Marianne Bøe, Head of investor relations
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +47 918 00186
About IDEX Biometrics
IDEX Biometrics ASA (OSE: IDEX) is a global technology leader in fingerprint biometrics, offering authentication solutions across payments, access control, and digital identity. Our solutions bring convenience, security, peace of mind and seamless user experiences to the world. Built on patented and proprietary sensor technologies, integrated circuit designs, and software, our biometric solutions target card-based applications for payments and digital authentication. As an industry-enabler we partner with leading card manufacturers and technology companies to bring our solutions to market.
For more information, visit
About this notice
This notice was issued by Erling Svela, Vice president of finance, on 19 June 2024 at 14:30 CET on behalf of IDEX Biometrics ASA. This information is subject to disclosure pursuant to Euronext Oslo Børs rule book, and also section 5‑8 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act (STA) and published in accordance with section 5‑12 of the STA.