Humana strengthens Group executive management with Gabriella Reuterswärd as Chief Marketing Officer
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Humana strengthens Group executive management with Gabriella Reuterswärd as Chief Marketing Officer

Humana AB is expanding its Group executive management and appointing Gabriella Reuterswärd to the role of Chief Marketing Officer. Gabriella Reuterswärd most recently served as Marketing Director at Norlandia Care.

Gabriella Reuterswärd has many years of experience in the health and care sector. She has held senior positions at Norlandia Health and Care Group, Frösunda Omsorg and Thomson Reuters.

-Humana has ambitious goals to increase its presence and visibility in the markets where we operate. Gabriella has a deep understanding of the industry as well as a drive and curiosity that I am convinced will be valuable for our continued growth journey. The appointment of Gabriella marks an important step forward for Humana as we continue to renew and lead the development of Nordic care, says Nathalie Boulas Nilsson, Humana's President and CEO.

-I look forward to taking on my new role. Humana's important services are close to my heart and the company's clear values and leading position in the industry make it an inspiring workplace. I look forward to continuing to develop the brand together with the team, drive growth and contribute to delivering the best possible care for our customers and clients, says Gabriella Reuterswärd.

Gabriella Reuterswärd will be a member of Humana's Group executive management.

For more information, please contact:   

Ewelina Pettersson, Head of Investor Relations,

+46 73 074 79 12, [email protected]   

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