Guideline Geo launches the GroundTEM Ralli: a mobile TEM solution for rapid groundwater and environmental mapping
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Guideline Geo launches the GroundTEM Ralli: a mobile TEM solution for rapid groundwater and environmental mapping

Guideline Geo launches the ABEM GroundTEM Ralli, a Transient Electromagnetic (TEM) solution designed for rapid high-resolution subsurface mapping based on technology from our expert partners at TEMcompany.

The ABEM GroundTEM Ralli is an innovative portable TEM system, designed to streamline subsurface investigations. It introduces a more accessible and efficient solution for TEM surveys, making groundwater, environmental, and geological mapping faster and easier than ever.

"This is such an exciting addition to our TEM line-up, enabling landscape-scale resistivity surveys to be undertaken in a highly cost-effective and efficient manner. This can be a genuine game-changer for our customers in the near-surface geophysics sector, particularly those working in groundwater mapping," says Jimmy Adcock, Product Manager ABEM at Guideline Geo.

The ABEM GroundTEM Ralli is the latest addition to Guideline Geo’s GroundTEM instrument platform, which carries technological innovations from our expert partners at TEMcompany. The GroundTEM Ralli is available for order today.


For more information:

Jimmy Adcock, Product Manager ABEM, Guideline Geo AB (publ), tel: +44 7764 812 912

Malin Siberg, CEO, Guideline Geo AB (publ), tel: +46 73 044 60 11  

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GGEO Pressmeddelande - ABEM GroundTEM Ralli 2025

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