Green Energy Group (Seabird Exploration Plc): Annual General Meeting 2021 completed
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Green Energy Group (Seabird Exploration Plc): Annual General Meeting 2021 completed

13 August 2021, Limassol, Cyprus

The Annual General Meeting (the "AGM") of SeaBird Exploration Plc is completed. All proposals on the agenda, as proposed by the board of directors and set out in the notice of the meeting announced on 22 July 2021, were adopted with requisite majority.

Following the AGM, SeaBird Exploration Plc will change its name and rebrand to Green Energy Group. In connection with the Company’s new strategy and rebranding, the Company’s ticker code will change from SBX to GEG on Monday 16 August 2021, and the name change will be registered upon completion of the relocation to Norway in Q4. The Company`s webpage changes name to as of today.

SeaBird's board of directors will remain unchanged, consisting of Mr. Ståle Rodahl (Chairman), Mr. Nicholas Knag Nunn, Mr. Øivind Dahl-Stamnes and Mr. Hans Christian Anderson.

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

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