Grant of Performance Share Units and reporting of transactions in accordance with Article 19 of the Market Abuse Regulation
Pursuant to Ambu A/S’ (Ambu) Remuneration Policy, a total of 198,872 Performance Share Units (PSUs) related to Ambu’s long-term incentive programme (LTIP) for 2022/23 have been granted on 28 July 2023. 55,956 of the PSUs have been granted to the Executive Management and 142,916 of the PSUs have been granted to other key employees.
The LTIP covers the financial year 2022/23, and the final allocation of PSUs will be within the range of 0-200% of the initial grant, subject to the actual achievement of EBIT-% and organic revenue growth for the fiscal year 2022/23.
The PSUs are granted free and subject to achievement of the KPIs mentioned above. Each PSU will at vesting, on 1 January 2026, be converted to one B share in Ambu A/S subject to the terms of the LTIP.
The value of the PSUs will, at the time of vesting, be capped at four times the annual base salary of the individual participant measured at the time of the grant.
The share price used for calculating the number of PSUs has been the average share price as of the day of the annual general meeting in Ambu A/S in December 2022 and the following four trading days (14-20 December 2022).
Nicolai Thomsen, Director, Investor Relations, [email protected] / +45 2620 8047
Tine Bjørn Schmidt, Head of Corporate Communications, [email protected], +45 2264 0697
Ambu A/S, Baltorpbakken 13, DK-2750 Ballerup, Denmark, Tel.: +45 7225 2000, CVR no.: 63 64 49 19,