Fourth quarter and full year report, 2024: A strong finish to the year
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Fourth quarter and full year report, 2024: A strong finish to the year

Fourth quarter

  • Sales of SEK 959 (904) million, an increase of 6% in local currencies and 6% in SEK.
  • Sales per region, in local currencies was +10% in EMEA, +9% in Americas and -2% in APAC.
  • Sales per business area, in local currencies was +12% in Consumables, +9% in Technologies and 0% in Genetics.
  • Gross margin increased to 61.1% (56.9).
  • Operating income before depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) increased to SEK 337 (294) million, giving an EBITDA margin of 35.1% (32.5).
  • Operating cash flow increased to SEK 268 million (171).
  • Net income was SEK 139 (-4,179) million, resulting in earnings per share before dilution of SEK 1.03 (-30.86) and after dilution of SEK 1.02 (-30.86).
  • Helena Wennerström was appointed acting CFO of Vitrolife AB (publ) effective 3 December 2024.

Full year

  • Sales of SEK 3,609 (3,512) million, an increase of 4% in local currencies and 3% in SEK.
  • Sales per region, in local currencies was +7% in EMEA, +1% in Americas and +5% in APAC.
  • Sales per business area, in local currencies was +10% in Consumables, +16% in Technologies and -5% in Genetics.
  • Gross margin increased to 59.3% (56.3).
  • Operating income before depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) increased to SEK 1,225 (1,136) million, giving an EBITDA margin of 34.0% (32.3).
  • Operating cash flow increased to SEK 907 million (757).
  • Net income was SEK 514 (-3,851) million, resulting in earnings per share before dilution of SEK 3.79 (-28.44) and after dilution of SEK 3.78 (-28.44).


  • The Board to propose to the Annual General Meeting a dividend of SEK 149 (135) million, corresponding to SEK 1.10 (1.00) per share.

Gothenburg, January 30, 2025

Bronwyn Brophy O´Connor, CEO

The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out above, at 30-01-2025 08:00 CET.

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Interim report Q4, 2024: A strong finish to the year

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