FLSmidth & Co
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FLSmidth & Co. A/S: Trading in FLSmidth shares by board members, executives and associated persons

11 March 2025, Copenhagen, Denmark


This company announcement discloses the data of transaction(s) made in FLSmidth & Co. A/S (FLSmidth) shares by the company’s board members, executives and their associated persons in accordance with Article 19 of Regulation No. 596/2014 on market abuse.

The company’s board members, executives and their associated persons have reported the transactions to FLSmidth and have given the company power of attorney on their behalf to publish trading in FLSmidth shares by the company’s board members, executives and their associated persons.

Please find attached statements of such trading in shares issued by FLSmidth.



Investors Relations
Andreas Holkjær, +45 24 85 03 84, [email protected]
Jannick Denholt, +45 21 69 66 57, [email protected]

Jannick Denholt, +45 21 69 66 57, [email protected]


About FLSmidth

FLSmidth is a full flowsheet technology and service supplier to the global mining and cement industries. We enable our customers to improve performance, lower operating costs and reduce environmental impact. MissionZero is our sustainability ambition towards zero emissions in mining and cement by 2030. We work within fully validated Science-Based Targets, have a clear commitment to improving the sustainability performance of the global mining and cement industries and aim to become carbon neutral in our own operations by 2030.


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