Fabege is one of Sweden’s best workplaces in 2023 - Börskollen
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Fabege is one of Sweden’s best workplaces in 2023


We are extremely proud that Fabege has advanced to 20th place among Sweden’s Best Workplaces™ for medium-sized organisations in Great Place To Work’s annual employee survey. Fabege’s Trust Index has increased steadily in recent years and is now 87. We are particularly proud of the results given that the response rate was 100 per cent.

As in surveys in previous years, we have continued to improve our results, which underlines the quality of the values-based work carried out in our daily activities.

Overall, 98 per cent of all our employees are of the opinion that Fabege is an excellent place to work.

I am very pleased that we have once again received confirmation of what a good company Fabege is, and we are nothing without our employees. We have a fantastic corporate culture and strive to develop in line with the world around us,” says Stefan Dahlbo, CEO of Fabege.

We are a value-driven company, and our corporate culture permeates everything we do. However, this has not come about automatically; we have worked in a dedicated way with our fundamental values for a long time,” says Gunilla Cornell, Head of HR at Fabege.

Great Place To Work® is the world’s largest employee survey and the results are obtained by conducting a thorough analysis of confidential responses from employees. The survey is based on 63 statements categorised into five dimensions: credibility, fairness, respect, pride and camaraderie. The 63 statements are then combined to determine the level of trust perceived by employees. This value constitutes the company’s Trust Index.

Fabege AB (publ)

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en gb-Fabege Fabege is one of Sweden s best workplaces in 2023https://mb.cision.com/Public/1568/3740457/9200543b084f97a9.pdf

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