Extraordinary General Meeting of Jyske Bank A/S held on 18 April 2024
At the Extraordinary General Meeting of Jyske Bank held today, the motions set out in the agenda were finally adopted.
The motions about amendments to the Articles of Association proposed by the Supervisory Board under items a.1 – a.4 of the agenda (concerning the remuneration structure for the Shareholders' Representatives, election of Supervisory Board members and handling of the salary and pension terms of the Executive Board) as well as the motion under item b of the agenda concerning the authorisation of the general meeting to the Supervisory Board for registration of the Articles of Association were all adopted.
The Danish Business Authority is subsequently requested to register the adopted motions.
Yours faithfully,
Jyske Bank
Contact person: CFO, Birger Krøgh Nielsen, phone +45 89 89 64 44.