ExpreS2ion to participate in upcoming events - Börskollen
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ExpreS2ion to participate in upcoming events

Hørsholm, Denmark, 1 June 2023 – ExpreS2ion Biotech Holding AB’s affiliate ExpreS2ion Biotechnologies ApS (“ExpreS2ion") will participate and hold presentations at key industry and investor events in the coming month. These include the 2023 BIO International Convention (5-8 June), Aktiespararna’s Small-Cap Day (13 June), and the 2023 Virus-Like Particle & Nano-Particle Vaccines Conference (27-29 June).

By attending relevant industry and investor events, the company aims to increase the awareness of its technology platform and its exciting development pipeline. More information on each event and how to register is found below and on the Company’s website.

5-8 June 2023 | 2023 BIO International Convention
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Meet ExpreS2ion CEO, Bent Frandsen, at the largest global biotechnology industry event. More information and registration can be found on the BIO website.

13 June 2023 | Aktiespararna’s Småbolagsdagarna (Small-Cap Day)
14:45 CET | Stockholm, Sweden
Join CFO Keith Alexander for a live update at Aktiespararna’s Småbolagsdagarna in Stockholm. You can stream the event live or on demand via Aktiespararna’s YouTube channel or aktiespararna.se/tv/live. Read more and register on the Aktiespararna website.

27-29 June 2023 | 2023 Virus-like Particle & Nano-Particle Vaccines Conference
University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
ExpreS2ion scientists attend the 6th VLPNPV meeting on Virus-Like Particles, the multiprotein structures that mimic native viruses but lack the viral genome, and Nano-Particles, potentially yielding improved vaccine candidates. Read more and register on the MEDICONmm website.

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