Everfuel launches plan for Holstebro hub to scale green hydrogen for industry and mobility

Herning, Denmark, 24 August 2022 – Everfuel A/S is pleased to announce its plan to build a hydrogen hub in Holstebro, Denmark, to support regional energy transition and accelerate scale-up of green hydrogen as a zero-emission fuel for industry and mobility. The hub will be developed in two phases in close collaboration with partners within industry and mobility, with the aim of establishing safe, reliable and efficient local supply of clean energy.
“The hub-concept represents a novel approach to scaling green hydrogen. It offers a strong value proposition for industry, the transport sector and municipalities, which is evident in the partner set up we can announce today,” says Jacob Krogsgaard, CEO at Everfuel.
Everfuel, the local municipality and the other hub partners will work towards a greener Holstebro city by exploring the potential for using green hydrogen in industrial processes and in mobility. By realising all three phases, the hub will enable a significant reduction in the municipality’s CO2-emissions by feeding carbon-free hydrogen into a large share of the municipality’s activities. Today, Holstebro is the Danish municipality with the nation’s second highest onshore wind and solar power.
“Independent energy supply has become more important than ever. Holstebro has a substantial PtX potential, and the hub project shows the flexibility of green hydrogen and how a PtX facility can contribute across the local community. Holstebro is truly a front-runner for green cities of the future and a great example for others to follow. By connecting several partners to make a hydrogen hub, we assist the municipality in its energy transition, we showcase just how many industries can benefit from a PtX facility to ensure an independent and green supply of fuel, and last but not least, we create a good business case,” Krogsgaard continues.
Phased development
In phase one, the hub-partners will explore production of e-methane and the use of hydrogen in industrial gas burners to produce e-methane at local biogas facilities and start testing using hydrogen in the current natural gas pipelines. Phase one is expected to be commissioned in 2023.
In phase two, Everfuel intends to build a 100 MW electrolyser, a hydrogen terminal, a distribution centre and a hydrogen refuelling station for both heavy-duty and passenger vehicles. The location has already been secured for the electrolysis facility and the development is planned to commence in 2025. The green hydrogen produced in the second phase will phase out fossil fuels by replacing natural gas in selected industrial processes. Excess heating from the hydrogen production facility is planned to be distributed to the local district heating operator, MEC (Maabjerg Energy Center), owned by Vestforsyning and Struer Energi.
“This is a win-win situation. The excess heat provides additional green energy for the district heating and the PtX process becomes more efficient. We are also looking into other synergies, for instance by adding hydrogen to a biogas facility which could potentially increase production. This may be one of the solutions for Europe to become independent of Russian gas. The partnership across industries in this project is crucial to succeed in the green transition at a both a local and national level. That is something we would very much like to contribute to,” says Pernille Bloch, Chairman at MEC.
Leading the green transition
“This is a pivotal project and a strategically important contribution to the energy transition which shows just how far we can get when local businesses, utility companies and municipalities collaborate. As a municipality, we work to establish the best conditions for the transition through local infrastructure and by expanding the capacity of the current renewable energy resources. To keep attracting both businesses and citizens to our municipality, we have to be green, and we are a front-runner in that regard,” says H.C. Østerby, the mayor of Holstebro Municipality.
One major industrial partner and off taker of the green hydrogen is the diary company, Arla. The company will seek to replace natural gas in their processes with hydrogen and thereby significantly lower their CO2-emissions.
“Carbon-free hydrogen will be a key enabler to support the green transition and we look forward to collaborating with Everfuel on the possibilities for using it as a renewable energy source on our production sites. We have a clear sustainability ambition to reduce emissions with 63% by 2030 and the insights we gain in our partnership with Everfuel will help us to identify new sustainable solutions,” says David Boulanger, Executive Vice President & CSCO at Arla Foods.
The realisation of the second phase depends, among other things, on the construction of renewable energy assets close to the PtX facility and a stable power supply to ensure access to sustainable energy for the hydrogen production.
For additional information, please contact
H.C. Østerby, Mayor of Holstebro Municipality, +45 21440150
Lea Vindvad Hansen, Investor Relations & Communications Manager, Everfuel, +45 61830205
About Everfuel | www.everfuel.com
Everfuel is making green hydrogen for zero emission mobility commercially available across Europe, offering competitive all-inclusive hydrogen supply- and fueling solutions. We own and operate green hydrogen infrastructure and partner with vehicle OEMs to connect the entire hydrogen value chain and seamlessly provide hydrogen fuel to enterprise customers under long-term contracts. Green hydrogen is a 100% clean fuel made from renewable energy and key to electrification of the transportation sector in Europe and a sustainable future. We are a young ambitious company, headquartered in Herning, Denmark, and with activities in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium, and a plan to grow across Europe. Everfuel is listed on Euronext Growth in Oslo under EFUEL.