Essity’s Annual Report for 2024

Hygiene and health company Essity is today publishing its Annual Report for 2024 on
“Essity is in better shape than ever and based on the profitable platform we have created over several years of working on structural improvements, we launched new, more ambitious financial targets during the year. We also launched a share buyback program. Our efforts to accelerate profitable growth have yielded results, and we grew strongly during the year in several of our most profitable categories and gained market shares. Sales for the year amounted to SEK 146bn and profit reached its highest level ever at SEK 20.3bn,” says President and CEO, Magnus Groth, in his CEO message.
Read the complete CEO message and about Essity’s strategic priorities, earnings and leading sustainability work in the Annual Report for 2024, which is attached to this press release and can be downloaded at
NB: This is information that Essity is obliged to make public pursuant to the Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out below, on March 3, 2025, at 08:00 CET.
Karl Stoltz, Public Relations Director, +46 70 942 63 38