Enersense has signed a follow-up agreement with Elektrilevi regarding the maintenance of electricity networks in Estonia
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Enersense has signed a follow-up agreement with Elektrilevi regarding the maintenance of electricity networks in Estonia

Enersense International Plc
Investor news 24 November 2023 at 2:15 p.m.

An Estonian subsidiary of Enersense International Plc, a creator of zero-emission energy solutions, Enersense AS, which operates in the business area of International Operations, has signed a follow-up agreement with Elektrilevi, the largest network operator in Estonia, regarding the maintenance of the electricity networks.

The two-year agreement includes maintenance and troubleshooting of electricity distribution networks in the Saaremaa and Hiiumaa area, with works starting in January 2024. The value of the agreement is approximately EUR 7.4 million. The order will be recognised in the order backlog of Enersense’s International Operations business area for the fourth quarter of 2023.

"The agreement is important to us for several reasons. Among other things, the signed agreement strengthens our position in the Baltic market and supports our mission to create an emission-free society. Elektrilevi is our largest customer in Estonia, and we have been providing them with our services on a similar contractual basis for more than ten years. It is a sign of our success that our cooperation will continue in a project that is strategically important to us," says Margus Veensalu, EVP of Enersense International Plc’s International Operations segment.

More information:

Margus Veensalu, Executive Vice President, International Operations
Tel.: +372 50 96 969
Email: margus.veensalu@enersense.com

Media contacts:

Tommi Manninen, SVP, Communications and Public Affairs
Tel.: +358 40 043 7515
Email: tommi.manninen@enersense.com

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