Enento Group Plc cancels repurchased shares - Börskollen
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Enento Group Plc cancels repurchased shares

Enento Group Plc | Stock Exchange Release | May 08, 2024 at 09:00:00 EEST

Enento Group Plc has, in line with the decision by the Board of Directors, cancelled 94,678 treasury shares of the company and the cancellation has today been registered with the Finnish Trade Register.

The cancelled shares were repurchased under the share buyback programmes previously announced by the company on 18 December 2023, 9 February 2024, and 23 April 2024, and the repurchases were made between 21 December 2023 – 8 February 2024, 12 February – 22 April 2024 and 25 April – 30 April 2024, respectively.

The cancellation reduces the number of issued Enento Group shares with the corresponding amount but has no effect on the share capital. The cancelled amount corresponds to approximately 0.4 per cent of the total number of shares in Enento Group before the cancellation. Prior to the cancellation of the own shares, there were in total 23,794,856 issued Enento Group shares. After the cancellation, the total number of issued Enento Group shares and votes is 23,700,178.


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