Efecte Plc: Share subscriptions with options - Börskollen
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Efecte Plc: Share subscriptions with options

EFECTE PLC -- COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT -- 10 January 2022 at 9:45 am

Efecte Plc: Share subscriptions with options

A total of 4,000 shares of Efecte Plc have been subscribed for with 2018A- stock options. The shares have been registered into the trade register on 10 January 2022, as of which date the new shares will carry equal shareholder rights with the company’s existing shares. Public trading begins on Nasdaq First North Growth Finland -marketplace operated by Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd as of 11 January 2022 together with the existing shares.

The entire subscription price of 23,000.00 euro will be recorded in the reserve of invested non-restricted equity, and the company’s share capital remains unchanged. The shares have no nominal value.

After the subscriptions, the number of Efecte’s shares will rise to 6,239,873 shares.

Additional information on the option programs is available on Efecte's website at www.efecte.com


Further inquiries:

Taru Mäkinen
Efecte Plc
+358 40 507 1085

Certified Adviser:
Evli Bank Plc, tel +358 40 579 6210


Efecte Plc

Efecte helps service organizations digitalize and automate their work. Customers across Europe leverage our cloud service to operate with greater agility, to improve the experience of end-users, and to save costs. The use cases for our solutions range from IT service management and ticketing to improving employee experiences, business workflows, and customer service. We are the European Alternative to global players in our space. Our headquarters is located in Finland and we have regional hubs in Germany and Sweden. Efecte is listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market Finland marketplace.  




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