Eevia goes neck and neck with the market leader in a new whitepaper

Eevia Health Plc ("Eevia" or "The Company") has published a follow-up whitepaper of its research article published on May 2. The whitepaper showcases one of its hero products, Fenoprolic®, being bioequivalent with the market leader in pine based OPC extracts, Pycnogenol®, which is marketed globally by the Swiss company Horphag.
Eevia published today a follow-up whitepaper comparing Fenoprolic® and Pycnogenol® in terms of bioactivity and chemical composition. The whitepaper follows a research article that Eevia published on May 2nd.
The whitepaper showcases the almost identical bioactivity profile and, hence, bioequivalence of Fenoprolic® with the market leader in pine-based OPC extracts, Pycnogenol. The latter product is a market leader in OPC extracts from pine species world-wide, with an estimated MEUR 250 in sales by the Swiss company Horphag.
The bioequivalence was established through a large in vitro research study Eevia completed in 2023 with Eurofin’s BioMAP® Diversity PLUS® Panel. The study provided an in-depth, unbiased analysis of both extracts across 148 biomarkers in the same human primary cells. The study revealed practically identical bioactivity profiles despite being extracted from different species of pine trees.
The whitepaper is attached to this press release but can also be found here:
Commercial Director Erik Eide comments: “Polyphenols such as proanthocyanidins can play a huge role in human health. Polyphenols have been marginalized as a component in our modern processed food compared to what our ancestors would take in through a more plant-heavy diet. We aim to compete by providing health solutions consumers can benefit from with the highest-quality polyphenol extracts and blends in the market.”
For further information, please contact:
Stein Ulve, CEO, Eevia Health Plc
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Telephone: +358 400 22 5967
Eevia Health Plc, founded in March 2017, addresses significant health problems with bioactive compounds extracted from plant materials. The materials are primarily wild harvested from the pristine Finnish and Swedish forests near or above the Arctic Circle. The extracts are sold B2B as ingredients to dietary supplements and food brands globally, and these global brands utilize the ingredients in their consumer product formulas.
Eevia Health manufactures 100% organically certified plant extracts. Although a significant product, Elderberry extract, is made from cultivated berries, most of Eevia's other raw materials, such as bilberry, lingonberry, chaga, and pine bark, are wild-harvested sustainably.
Eevia Health operates a modern green-chemistry production facility in Finland. Manufacturing natural ingredients near the raw material harvest areas, Eevia offers a short value chain with an environmentally friendly carbon footprint, competitive pricing, and extreme transparency. In June 2021, Eevia listed its shares on the Spotlight Stock Market in Sweden under the short name EEVIA.
To learn more, please visit or follow Eevia Health on LinkedIn @EeviaHealth.