Diös Fastigheter’s Year-end report 2021

Interest in our market continues to grow, which can be seen in rising property values and high activity in the leasing business. Net leasing amounted to SEK 30 million for the year and property management income increased by 8 per cent.
- Income increase was 5 per cent and totals SEK 1,967 million (1,878)
- Property management income increase was 8 per cent and totals SEK 1,030 million (958)
- Unrealized changes in property values amounted to SEK 1,790 million (198) and for
derivatives to SEK 36 million (0) - Profit after tax was SEK 2,324 million (913)
- Earnings per share were SEK 17.08 (6.81)
- The Board of Directors proposes a dividend of SEK 3.52 per share (3.30), to be evenly distributed on four payout dates.
− I am proud to lead this successful company that constantly wants to develop and be developed. I would like to express my utmost gratitude to my colleagues for their commitment during this challenging year and at the same time thank our shareholders, partners and tenants for their good cooperation. The future looks bright for both our market and for Diös. I am absolutely convinced that 2022 will also be an even more successful year for us with many new exciting deals, says Knut Rost, CEO.
Presentation of the report
Today at 10.00 am, CEO Knut Rost and CFO Rolf Larsson will present the report via a webcasted conference call. Presentation takes place in English.
More information about the conference can be found at:
This information is information that Diös Fastigheter AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 07:00 CET on 11 February 2022.