Diös Fastigheter Interim report Jan-Jun 2022

We are delivering a very good profit for the period with net leasing of SEK 39m and an occupancy rate of 91 per cent in a continued strong market. Revenue increased by 10 per cent and the surplus ratio was 68 per cent.
Period Jan-Jun 2022
- Income increased by 10 per cent and amounts to SEK 1,082 million (987)
- Property management income increased by 13 per cent and amounted to SEK 584 million (519)
- Unrealized changes in property values amounted to SEK 638 million (675) and on derivatives to SEK 115 million (14)
- Profit after tax was SEK 1,064 million (957)
- Earnings per share was SEK 7.52 (7.07)
Second quarter 2022
- Income increased by 8 per cent and amounts to SEK 543 million (504)
- Property management income increased by 8 per cent and amounted to SEK 313 million (288)
- Unrealized changes in property values amounted to 106 million (257) and on derivatives to SEK 27 million (5)
- Profit after tax was SEK 356 million (435)
- Earnings per share was SEK 2.52 (3.22)
– I believe very strongly in our cities and the opportunities that come with large planned investments, strong willingness to move in and attractive growth targets. In our clear position as a market-leading property company in our cities and with our strong local teams, we have both the knowledge and the ability to continue to create value for our employees, our tenants and our shareholders, says Knut Rost, CEO.
Presentation of the report
Today at 10.00 am, CEO Knut Rost and CFO Rolf Larsson will present the report via a webcasted conference call. The presentation will be held in English.
More information about the conference can be found at: https://investors.dios.se/English
This disclosure contains information that Diös Fastigheter AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014) and the Swedish Securities Markets Act (2007:528). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 07:00 CEST on 7 July 2022.