Dignitana to address MedTech innovation at Texas BioLife Summit
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Dignitana to address MedTech innovation at Texas BioLife Summit

Dignitana will join MedTech leaders speaking at the Texas BioLife Summit in Dallas on February 27, 2025.

Melissa Bourestom, Dignitana Chief Communications Officer, is featured on a panel titled “Devices and Diagnostics: Where Health and Innovation Meet.” The session will focus on the rise of innovation leading to the development of highly impactful medical devices and diagnostic tools that can be used to both identify and combat an array of health problems. Panelists will discuss challenges they’ve faced and how to overcome them, as well as navigating the regulatory processes.

“Ongoing innovation is crucial to Dignitana’s growth strategy and supports our dedication to providing the best possible clinical outcomes. As we work toward establishing scalp cooling as standard of care, we see patient demand driving both innovation and adoption, and we continue to advance on both fronts," said Melissa Bourestom.

Agenda for the day is here: biolifesummits.com/agenda

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