Dentalum Operations AB (publ) publishes prospectus for the admission to trading of its Senior Secured Fixed Rate Bonds on Nasdaq Stockholm
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Dentalum Operations AB (publ) publishes prospectus for the admission to trading of its Senior Secured Fixed Rate Bonds on Nasdaq Stockholm

Dentalum Operations AB (publ) (“Dentalum”), has in accordance with the terms and conditions of the senior secured callable fixed rate bonds, with ISIN SE0013914462 (the “Bonds”), prepared a prospectus related to admission to trading on the corporate bond list of Nasdaq Stockholm. The prospectus was approved by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority on August 16, 2021 and the first day of trading of the Bonds on Nasdaq Stockholm was today, August 17, 2021.

On October 2, 2020, Dentalum issued the Bonds of an amount of SEK 300,000,000 within a total framework of SEK 600,000,000. The Bonds, initially listed on the Bourse-Frankfurt as of October 14, 2020, carry a fixed coupon of 7.75 per cent per annum and has a final maturity date October 2, 2023.

The prospectus is available at Dentalum´s website and the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority’s website

For further information, please contact:

Sofi Eriksson, CFO of Dentalum, + 46 705 95 46 33,
Max Dorthé Ladow, CEO of Dentalum, + 46 798 85 97 83,



About Dentalum

Dentalum Operations AB (publ) is a fast-growing dental service organisation focusing on acquiring profitable and sustainable dental clinics in the Nordics. Dentalum’s philosophy is built on the local identity, where the clinic owners continue as entrepreneurs operating the clinics with a high degree of independence post-acquisition. Dentalum’s goal is to build a world class organisation by creating a strong corporate culture, positive work environment and growth opportunities which motivate and engage our coworkers to provide the highest quality of care and a remarkable service to our patients. For more information, please visit

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Press Release Dentalum bond prospectus listing Nasdaq Stockholm 20210817

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