Dedicare acquires recruitment and staffing company in the UK - Börskollen
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Dedicare acquires recruitment and staffing company in the UK

Dedicare signed an agreement today to acquire UK recruitment and staffing company Templars Medical Agency Ltd. This company recruits and provides doctors for customers in the UK and Ireland. The acquisition will complete on 1 October 2022. 

”Acquiring Templars Medical Agency is fully consistent with Dedicare’s growth strategy and vision of becoming one of Europe’s leading recruitment and staffing companies in healthcare, life sciences and social work. It will further consolidate our positioning in Europe, but first and foremost, bring us a platform in the UK and Ireland,” commented Krister Widström, CEO of Dedicare.
“It will offer an opportunity for our consultants in the Nordic region to take on assignments in England, Scotland and Ireland, as well as UK territories outside Europe like the Falkland Islands, Gibraltar and St. Helena,” continued Mr. Widström.
“I am delighted that Templars is joining the Dedicare Group. Dedicare will provide the support, resources and skills to enable us to continue the rapid growth we have been enjoying and to further develop the business. It is clear from discussions with Dedicare that we share the same values and ethics of our new owner, we will continue our exciting journey and drive the business forward together,” responded Fiona Thompson, CEO of Templars Medical Agency.
The initial purchase consideration for the acquisition of Templars Medical Agency is £1.8 million, with £1.4 million paid in cash, and £0.4 million in Dedicare shares through a non-cash issue. A contingent consideration has been agreed, based on Templars Medical Agency’s earnings performance in the years 2023-2024. After a period, the Templars Medical Agency brand will change name to Dedicare. 

Dedicare in brief
Dedicare is the largest recruitment and staffing company in healthcare, life sciences and social work in the Nordic region, with operations in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. Dedicare provides and recruits doctors, nurses, social workers, psychologists and specialists in life sciences for customers in the private and public sectors. The group has been operating since 1996, has been listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since May 2011, and has sales of approximately SEK 1.3 billion with over 1,000 staff. Read more about Dedicare at

Templars Medical Agency in brief
Templars Medical Agency is currently active in recruitment and staffing doctors in the UK, Ireland and UK territories outside Europe. The company was founded in 2015, and its sales were approximately £3.6 million for the split financial year 2021/2022, with an operating margin of 11%. Read more about Templars Medical Agency at

For more information, please contact: 
Krister Widström, CEO of Dedicare Group, tel. +46 (0)70 526 7991, 
Fiona Thomson, CEO of Templars Medical Agency, tel. +44 (0)7799 202024,  

This information is mandatory for Dedicare AB (publ) to publish pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (MAR). The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the above contacts on 30 September 2022 at 8 a.m. (CEST).

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