Correction: Notice to convene the Annual General Meeting 2021
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Correction: Notice to convene the Annual General Meeting 2021

Reissue to media channels, no changes to the content.

Company annoucement no. 12
October 28, 2021

The Annual General Meeting of Chr. Hansen Holding A/S will be held on

Wednesday, November 24, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. CET

at Søhuset Konferencecenter, Venlighedsvej 10, 2970 Hørsholm, Denmark.

The notice to convene the Annual General Meeting, including annex 1 “Revised Remuneration Policy” and annex 2 “Description of the candidates for the Board of Directors”, is enclosed.

For further information please contact:
Anders Mohr Christensen, Vice President Group Strategy & Investor Relations, Tel: +45 2515 2364
Annika Stern, Senior Investor Relations Manager, Tel: +45 2399 2382
Yannick Vanderveeren, Head of Media Relations, Tel: +45 2068 6425


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