Corem signs another lease contract in New York

Corem has signed another lease contract for approximately 605 sq.m. of office space at the project property 1245 Broadway in New York. The tenant, a finance and technology company, will move in during the first quarter of 2024 and the lease term is 5 years.
1245 Broadway, a 23-story office building located at the corner of 31st Street and Broadway in Manhattan, is Corem’s largest ongoing project and is being developed in collaboration with GDS Development Management (GDSNY). 1245 Broadway was designed by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill and features architectural cast-in-place concrete, a private club, F&B catering to tenant floors, and panoramic views of Manhattan. The building will be LEED Gold certified and offer office spaces with the latest technology in air quality and touchless systems.
“We are very pleased to welcome another technology and strategic finance firm to 1245 Broadway. The tenant mix of the property continues to mature and diversify, and solidify 1245 Broadway as the film, media and technology headquarters in Manhattan”, said Eva Landén, Corem’s CEO.
The total annual contract value for all lease contracts Corem has signed so far in the USA amounts to around 13 million USD. With the signing of this lease, 54 percent of the leasable area in 1245 Broadway is now leased.
Corem Property Group AB (publ)
Eva Landén, CEO, +46 10 482 76 50, [email protected]
Corem Property Group AB (publ)
Address: P.O. Box 56085, SE-102 17 Stockholm
Visitors: Riddargatan 13 C 556463-9440
This press release is in all respects a translation of the Swedish original press release. In the event of any discrepancies between this translation and the Swedish original, the latter shall prevail.