Completion of capital reduction in Spar Nord Bank A/S
Company announcement no. 28 |
As stated in company announcement no. 22, it was decided at Spar Nord Bank A/S’ ordinary general meeting on 19 March 2024 to reduce the company’s share capital by DKK 27,645,950 nominal value divided into 2,764,595 shares of DKK 10 through the cancellation of treasury shares.
The capital reduction was published via the Danish Business Authority’s IT system on 26 March 2024. The statutory notice period has expired with no claims received. The capital reduction has been finally registered with the Danish Business Authority on 25 April 2024. After the capital reduction, the share capital of Spar Nord Bank A/S amounts to DKK 1,177,020,310 nominal value divided into shares of DKK 10 each.
Pursuant to section 32 of the Danish Capital Markets Act, we hereby announce that the company’s total share capital and total number of voting rights amount to:
Share capital (nominal value): DKK 1,177,020,310
Number of voting rights: 117,702,031
Please direct any questions regarding this release to Rune Brandt Børglum, Head of Investor Relations, on tel. +45 9634 4236.
Rune Brandt Børglum
Head of Investor Relations