Company Announcement 6/2023
Company Announcement 6/2023
Nordic Shipholding A/S in liquidation
Resolutions passed at the Extraordinary General Meeting – Completion of liquidation and delisting
28 December 2023
Nordic Shipholding A/S in liquidation
Company announcement no. 6/2023
Today, Thursday 28 December 2023, Nordic Shipholding A/S in liquidation (the “Company”) held an Extraordinary General Meeting with the agenda published in the notice convening the meeting dated 6 December 2023, where the following agenda items were presented:
- The extraordinary general meeting took note of the liquidator’s report.
- The final audited liquidation accounts were approved. No liquidation proceeds will be distributed to the shareholders in connection with completion of the liquidation.
- Completion of the liquidation and delisting of the Company was approved.
The liquidator will register completion of the liquidation with the Danish Business Authority and request Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S to complete the delisting of the Company.
Copenhagen, 28 December 2023
Nordic Shipholding A/S in liquidation
Louise Celia Korpela, liquidator, +45 39 29 10 00