Company Announcement 3/2023
Nordic Shipholding A/S in liquidation
Resolutions passed at the Annual General Meeting on 19 April 2023
19 April 2023
Company announcement no. 3/2023
Today, Wednesday 19 April 2023, Nordic Shipholding A/S in liquidation held its Annual General Meeting with the agenda published in the notice convening the meeting dated 28 March 2023, where the following agenda items were presented:
- The general meeting took note of the Liquidators’ report for the financial year 2022.
- The Annual Report for 2022 was approved.
- Discharge of liability was granted to the former members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Management.
- The proposal for distribution of the result of the year was approved.
- The presentation of the remuneration report 2022 was approved.
- PricewaterhouseCoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab was re-appointed as the company’s auditor.
For further information, please find attached the notice to convene and the complete proposals.
Kind regards,
Nordic Shipholding A/S in liquidation
Copenhagen, 19 April 2023
For further information, please contact:
Louise Celia Korpela, Liquidator, Nordic Shipholding A/S in liquidation: +45 3929 1000.