Company Announcement 15/2022
Nordic Shipholding A/S
Resolutions passed at the Extraordinary General Meeting on 23 December 2022
23. december 2022
Company announcement no. 15/2022
At Nordic Shipholding A/S' extraordinary general meeting on Friday 23 December 2022, the following resolutions were passed:
- The board of directors’ proposal to liquidate the company by voluntary solvent liquidation. As a consequence of the resolution, the board of directors and the executive board resigned, the company's name was changed to "Nordic Shipholding A/S in liquidation", and the company's signature rule was changed to "The Company shall be bound by the signature of the liquidator".
- The board of directors’ proposal to appoint Louise Celia Korpela, Gorrissen Federspiel Advokatpartnerselskab, Axeltorv 2, 1609 Copenhagen V, as liquidator.
The liquidation can be completed only after expiry of a statutory three-months’ notice period during which the creditors of the company may submit any claims against the company. After the expiry of the notice period, an additional extraordinary general meeting will be convened for the purpose of deciding upon the completion of the liquidation of the company. The liquidation is expected to be completed in the second half of 2023.
For further information:
Louise Celia Korpela, liquidator. Tel: (+45) 33 41 41 41.