Company Announcement 14/2021
October 14, 2021
Company Announcement: 14/2021
Published via NASDAQ OMX on October 14, 2021
Change of Board Composition
As the Group moves into the new phase of winding down its business, the Board wishes to announce that the Chairman of the Board, Mr Knud Pontoppidan has retired from the Board with effect from 14 October 2021. Mr Jens V. Mathiasen, an independent director also retired from the board on the same day. The Board thanked Mr Pontoppidan and Mr Mathiasen for their valuable contributions and guidance to the Group.
Mr Esben Søfren Poulsson, an independent director of the Company, is appointed as the new Chairman of the Board of Nordic Shipholding A/S with effect from 14 October 2021. Mr Jon Robert Lewis, a non-independent director, will continue as Deputy Chairman. As there are no new additions to the board, the remaining board members are Mr Kanak Kapur, a non-independent director and Mr Philip Clausius, the Chief Executive Officer of the Group.
For further information please contact:
Mr Esben Søfren Poulsson, Nordic Shipholding A/S: +45 39 29 10 00