Clinical Laserthermia Systems publishes supplementary prospectus regarding ongoing rights issue
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Clinical Laserthermia Systems publishes supplementary prospectus regarding ongoing rights issue

Clinical Laserthermia Systems AB (publ) (“CLS” or the ”Company”) has drafted a supplementary prospectus (the ”Supplementary Prospectus”) to the EU growth prospectus approved and registered by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (SW: Finansinspektionen) on June 10, 2024 (the “Prospectus”). The Supplementary Prospectus has today, June 20, 2024, been approved and registered by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.

The Prospectus has been drafted in connection with the ongoing rights issue of units consisting of new B-shares and warrants of series TO 7 B, which was resolved by the Board of Directors on May 30, 2024, supported by authorization by the annual general meeting held on June 29, 2023 (the “Rights Issue”). The Supplementary Prospectus has been drafted as a result of the Company, as announced in a press release on June 12, 2024, and as announced in a press release on June 19, 2024, having received additional pre-subscription commitments of a total of approximately MSEK 1.7 (corresponding to approximately 2.9 percent of the Rights Issue). The Rights Issue is covered up to approximately 65 percent (corresponding to approximately MSEK 38) by pre-subscription and underwriting commitments.

The Supplementary Prospectus has also been drafted in connection with the Company, as announced in a press release on June 12, 2024, correcting the assessment of the Board of Directors regarding future capital requirements, as specified in the Prospectus. As previously announced in a press release on May 30, 2024, the assessment of the Board of Directors is that, provided full subscription of the Rights Issue and full utilization of warrants of series TO 7 B at the highest subscription rate in the subsequent redemption of the same warrants, the Company will not require additional funding in order to achieve its target of a positive operating profit during 2026.

The Supplementary Prospectus has additionally been drafted in connection with the Company, as announced in a press release on June 12, 2024, adjusting its income during Q1 2024, as stated in the Prospectus, to MSEK 3.1 according to the Company´s interim report as of May 29, 2024, which is approximately MSEK 0.6 higher than previously specified. This also causes other related financial posts and financial key figures to be adjusted in order to reflect the higher income.

Investors who, prior to the announcement of the Supplementary Prospectus, have registered for or in other ways consented to purchase or subscribe to securities covered by the Prospectus have the right, pursuant to Article 23 of the Prospectus Regulation, to withdraw their registration or consent within two business days of the announcement of the Supplementary Prospectus, i. e. up to and including June 25, 2024. Withdrawal must be announced to Nordic Issuing AB, subject: CLS, e-mail The date of withdrawal will be the date of receipt of the e-mail by Nordic Issuing AB. Investors who have subscribed to units through trustees should contact their trustees regarding withdrawal. Subscriptions that are not withdrawn, will remain binding.

Approval and publication of the Supplementary Prospectus

The Supplementary Prospectus has today been approved and registered by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority and is available on the Company’s (, Redeye AB’s ( and Nordic Issuing AB’s ( respective websites. The Supplementary Prospectus will also be available in the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority’s prospectus register. (

For more information, please contact:

Dan J. Mogren, CEO, Clinical Laserthermia Systems AB (publ)

Tel: +46 – (0)705 – 90 11 40




About CLS

Clinical Laserthermia Systems AB (publ), develops and sells TRANBERG®|Thermal Therapy System and ClearPoint Prism Neuro Laser Therapy System with sterile disposables, for minimally invasive treatment of cancer tumors and drug-resistant epilepsy. The products are marketed and sold directly or through partners for image-guided laser ablation and are used in studies for treatment with imILT®, the company's interstitial laser thermotherapy for immune stimulating ablation with potential abscopal treatment effect. CLS is headquartered in Lund, Sweden, with subsidiaries in Germany, the United States and a marketing company in Singapore. CLS is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market under the symbol CLS B. Certified adviser (CA) is FNCA Sweden AB.


For more information about CLS, please visit the Company's website:


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