Cline Scientific: Hanne Evenbratt to be elected as a member of the board
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Cline Scientific: Hanne Evenbratt to be elected as a member of the board

In order to further strengthen Cline's board, it is proposed that Dr. Hanne Evenbratt to be elected at tomorrow's annual general meeting as a member of the board. Hanne, responsible for technology and later project development, has been involved in the company's journey from an early stage and has extensive knowledge of both of the company's projects as well as the market in which they aim to be established. She is part of the company's management and is one of the major owners.

See the bio below for more information about Hanne.

Hanne Evenbratt is responsible for leadership in Cline's research and product development.

She has a Ph.D. degree in pharmaceutical technology from Chalmers University of Technology. This work included leading nanotechnology-based projects with research collaborations within Chalmers, the University of Gothenburg, Stanford University, and the University of Texas. Hanne also gained valuable experience teaching university students, for example in the pharmacy program.

Hanne's previous experience includes working with research at the skin clinic at Sahlgrenska University Hospital. Before that she was employed at Astra Zeneca where her work consisted of polymer analysis, GMP production and more.

Hanne has been employed at Cline Scientific since 2014 and has been one of the driving factors in the company's development from a pure technology company to today a R&D company within Life Science with two own development projects.

The company is listed on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market. Redeye AB is Cline Scientific's Certified Adviser. The information was submitted for publication via the contact person listed above, at 14:15 CEST on 18 April 2023.

For more information, please contact:

Patrik Sundh, CEO

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +46 703-585 088



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