Changes in SSAB's Group Executive Committee

SSAB is making changes in the support functions of its Group Executive Committee. Carl Orrling has been appointed as a new member of SSAB’s Group Executive Committee, which will be reduced from 11 to 9 members.
“I’m making these changes to create a smaller and more efficient team. Our focus will be on further strengthening the business, improving the product mix, and transforming our Nordic production system”, says Johnny Sjöström, President and CEO of SSAB.
Carl Orrling has been appointed EVP CTO with responsibility for the Transformation Office and will become a new member of SSAB's Group Executive Committee.
“Carl has extensive and solid experience in the steel industry and is a key figure in the effort to establish our new state-of-the-art steel plant in Luleå as we phase out the current blast furnace-based production system. I am very pleased that he is now joining our Group Executive Committee”, says Johnny Sjöström.
The Group Executive Committee will be reduced from 11 to 9 members. Christina Friborg (SVP Sustainability, Ethics & Compliance, Health & Safety), Eva Petursson (SVP Research & Innovation), and Lars Sjöbring (SVP General Counsel) will retain their responsibilities and continue to report to Johnny Sjöström but will no longer be members of the Group Executive Committee.
Martin Pei, the former EVP CTO, will become a Senior Advisor with a focus on securing raw material supplies for the new fossil-free steel plants. He will continue to represent SSAB as Chairman of the Board of Hybrit Development AB and will still report to Johnny Sjöström.
These changes will take effect on April 1.
The new Group Executive Committee will consist of:
- Johnny Sjöström – President and CEO of SSAB
- Leena Craelius – EVP Chief Financial Officer
- Per Elfgren – EVP Head of SSAB Special Steels
- Tony Harris – EVP Head of SSAB Europe
- Chuck Schmitt – EVP Head of SSAB Americas
- Maria Långberg – EVP Organization and Culture
- Helena Norrman – EVP Communications
- Carl Orrling – EVP CTO and Head of the Transformation Office
- Viktor Strömberg - EVP Strategy and Digitalization
For further information, please contact:
Gunilla Hjalmarson, Head of External Communications, gunilla.hjalmarson @,
tel: +46 76 117 91 85