Changes in Alisa Bank Plc's own shares - Börskollen
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Changes in Alisa Bank Plc's own shares


Alisa Bank Plc has 28 June 2023, based on the decision made by the Board of Directors of Evli Bank Plc, transferred without consideration 206 289 own shares held by the company to participants of the Restricted Share Plans 2018 and 2019 as reward in accordance with the plan terms. The Share Plans 2018 and 2019 are incentive systems aimed at the personnel of Evli Plc from the time of Evli Bank Plc. The decisions on Share Plans have been made earlier in Evli Bank Plc. Due to the merger of Fellow Finance Plc and Evli Bank Plc, part of the remuneration will be paid in Alisa Bank Plc's shares.

The company holds 14 081 own shares after the transfer of shares.

Further information

Teemu Nyholm, CEO, Alisa Bank Plc ([email protected], tel. +358 50 577 1028).

Alisa Bank in brief

Alisa Bank Plc is a Finnish digital bank that helps both personal and business customers to manage their day-to-day finances in a flexible and straightforward manner. For savers, we offer an attractive interest rate on deposits. Alisa Bank Plc is regulated by the Financial Supervisory Authority of Finland and listed on Nasdaq Helsinki’s main list (ALISA).

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