Change in Vaisala Corporation’s number of series A and K shares
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Change in Vaisala Corporation’s number of series A and K shares

Vaisala Corporation
Stock exchange release
February 26, 2025, at 11:45 a.m. EET

Change in Vaisala Corporation’s number of series A and K shares

Vaisala Corporation’s Board of Directors decided in its meeting on February 17, 2025, that 533,725 series K shares will be converted into series A shares. This conversion was registered into the Trade Register today, on February 26, 2025. Consequently, Vaisala has 36,436,728 shares, of which 3,093,128 are series K shares and 33,343,600 are series A shares. Total votes attached to all shares is 95,206,160. Vaisala holds a total of 152,149 company’s series A shares, which represent 0.46% of series A shares and 0.42% of all shares.

More information
Niina Ala-Luopa
+358 400 728 957, [email protected]

Nasdaq Helsinki
Key media

Vaisala is a global leader in measurement instruments and intelligence for climate action. We equip our customers with devices and data to improve resource efficiency, drive energy transition, and care for the safety and well-being of people and societies worldwide. With almost 90 years of innovation and expertise, we employ a team of close to 2,500 experts committed to taking every measure for the planet. Vaisala series A shares are listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki stock exchange.

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