Change in the total number of shares and votes in Sivers Semiconductors AB
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Change in the total number of shares and votes in Sivers Semiconductors AB

The number of shares in Sivers Semiconductors AB (the “Company”) as of 29 November 2024 amounts to 237,646,796 shares, of which all shares are ordinary shares. There are currently no issued shares of series C. The total number of shares and votes in the Company as of 29 November 2024 amounts to 237,646,796.

The change in the number of shares and votes in the Company is due to the new issue of 1,762,336 ordinary shares to the CEO that was resolved by the Board of Directors and approved by the Extraordinary General Meeting on 8 November 2024.

For more information, please contact:
Dr. Bami Bastani, Chairman of the Board of Directors
Tel: +1 908 87 28 370

This information is published in accordance with Chapter 4, Section 9 of the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act (SFS 1991:980). This information was submitted for publication on 29 November 2024, at 08:00 CET.

About Sivers Semiconductors We are Critical Enablers of a Greener Data Economy with Energy Efficient Photonics & Wireless Solutions. Our differentiated high precision laser and RF beamformer technologies help our customers in key markets such as AI Data Centers, SATCOM, Defense and Telecom solve essential performance challenges while enabling a much greener footprint. Visit us at: (SIV.ST)

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