Change in the total number of shares and votes in Sivers Semiconductors AB
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Change in the total number of shares and votes in Sivers Semiconductors AB

The number of shares in Sivers Semiconductors AB (the "Company") as of 31 May 2024 amounts to 235,884,460 shares. All shares are ordinary shares. There are currently no issued shares of series C. The total number of votes in the Company as of 31 May 2024 amounts to 235,884,460.

On 11 March 2024, the Company announced that a loan agreement with Formue Nord and partners had been entered into to extend the previous SEK 75 million facility. The new SEK 50 million loan facility included a SEK 35 million convertible loan at a fixed conversion rate of 4.86 SEK, corresponding to 125 percent of the closing price for the Company’s ordinary shares on Nasdaq Stockholm on 8 March 2024. In May 2024, convertible bonds corresponding to approximately SEK 6 million were converted into 1,234,566 ordinary shares. After completion of the conversion, the convertible loan amounts to approximately SEK 29 million.

For more information, please contact:
Anders Storm, Group CEO of Sivers Semiconductors
Tel: +46 (0)70 262 6390

The information is published in accordance with Chapter 4, section 9 of the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act (SFS 1991:980). This information was submitted for publication on 31 May 2024, at 08:00 CEST.

Sivers Semiconductors AB (SIVE.ST) is a leader in SATCOM, 5G, 6G, Photonics, and Silicon Photonics that drives innovation in global communications and sensor technology. Our business units, Photonics and Wireless, supply cutting-edge, integrated chips and modules critical for high-performance gigabit wireless and optical networks. Catering to a broad spectrum of industries from telecommunication to aerospace, we fulfill the increasing demand for computational speed and AI application performance, replacing electric with optical connections for a more sustainable world. Our wireless solutions are forging paths in advanced SATCOM/5G/6G systems, while our photonics expertise is revolutionizing custom semiconductor photonic devices for optical networks and optical sensing, making us a trusted partner to Fortune 100 companies as well as emerging unicorns. With innovation at our core, Sivers Semiconductors is committed to delivering bespoke, high-performance solutions for a better-connected and safer world. Discover our passion for perfection at

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