CEO Peter Kisbye sells portion of shares in Loyal Solutions

Loyal Solutions announces that its CEO, Peter Kisbye, has sold 202.264 shares in the company on Feb. 19th 2025. The sale represents 11% of the CEO`s total holdings.
Loyal Solutions announces that its CEO, Peter Kisbye, has sold 202.264 shares in the company on Feb. 19th 2025. The sale represents 11% of the CEO`s total holdings.
After the transaction, CEO Peter Kisbye retains ownership of 1.261.439 shares, corresponding to 17% of the company’s total share capital.
The transaction has been carried out in compliance with applicable regulations and has been reported to Finanstilsynet in Denmark.
This press release constitutes inside information that Loyal Solutions A/S is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation 596/2014. The information was sent for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out below, at the time stated by the Company’s news distributor, Cision, at the publication of this press release.