CapMan Plc Managers' Transactions – Frimodig - Börskollen
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CapMan Plc Managers' Transactions – Frimodig

CapMan Plc Stock Exchange Release / Managers’ Transactions   
1 December 2022 at 3:20 p.m. EET

CapMan Plc Managers' Transactions – Frimodig

CapMan Plc has received the following notification under Article 19 of the Market Abuse Regulation from Joakim Frimodig, who has sold the shares in accordance with this notification to Silvertärnan Ab, a company in which he has indirect minority ownership. Additional information about the transaction is available in Silvertärnan Ab’s press release available at


Person subject to the notification requirement

Name: Joakim Frimodig

Position: Chief Executive Officer

Issuer: CapMan Oyj

LEI: 743700498L5THNQWVL66


Reference number: 21692/5/4


Transaction date: 2022-12-01


Instrument type: SHARE

ISIN: FI0009009377

Nature of the transaction: DISPOSAL

Transaction details

(1): Volume: 405000 Unit price: 2.545 EUR

Aggregated transactions

(1): Volume: 405000 Volume weighted average price: 2.545 EUR


Linda Tierala

Director, Communications & Investor Relations

Nasdaq Helsinki
Principal media

About CapMan
CapMan is a leading Nordic private asset expert with an active approach to value creation. As one of the private equity pioneers in the Nordics we have built value in unlisted businesses, real estate, and infrastructure for over three decades. With over to €4.9 billion in assets under management, our objective is to provide attractive returns and innovative solutions to investors. We are dedicated to set science-based targets to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions in line with the Paris Agreement. We have a broad presence in the unlisted market through our local and specialised teams. Our investment strategies cover minority and majority investments in portfolio companies and real estate, and infrastructure assets. We also provide wealth management solutions. Our service business includes procurement and analysis, reporting and back office services. Altogether, CapMan employs approximately 180 professionals in Helsinki, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oslo, London and Luxembourg. We are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki since 2001. Read more at

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