Capital increase in Rovsing A/S
28 September 2021
Announcement no. 326
Capital increase in Rovsing A/S
The board of directors of Rovsing A/S has according to clause 5.1(b) in the company’s articles of association decided to increase the company’s share capital with nominally DKK 94,600, divided into 1,892 shares of nominally DKK 50.00 each. The capital increase will be subscribed by Dyregårdsvej 2 ApS, CVR no. 21 05 85 99, and paid by way of converting DKK 199,908.72 in debt.
The debt originates from a settlement agreement of 1 September 2021 between Rovsing A/S and Dyregårdsvej 2 ApS regarding the company’s payment of re-establishment costs related to the terminated lease located at Dyregårdsvej 2, 2740 Skovlunde. According to the settlement agreement, Rovsing A/S is obliged to pay DKK 270,000 to Dyregårdsvej 2 ApS of which DKK 199,908.72 has now been converted into share capital.
Due to the debt conversion of DKK 199,908.72 to shares, the registered number of shares and votes in Rovsing A/S has today been increased with 1,892 shares at a conversion price of DKK 105.66 per share. The conversion price is calculated on the basis of the average share price during the trading days 23, 24 and 27 September 2021.
Following the capital increase, the registered number of shares and votes in Rovsing A/S amounts to 473,241, and the registered share capital amounts to nominally DKK 23,662,050.00.
The new shares will expectedly be admitted to trade on NASDAQ Copenhagen A/S on 29 September 2021.
Further information
Rovsing A/S, Sigurd Hundrup, CFO +45 44 200 800 or [email protected]