Business Transacted at the Annual General Meeting, 26 April 2021
The annual general meeting of LED iBond International A/S was held yesterday in accordance with the previously announced agenda. The following resolutions were passed:
- The board of directors’ report on the activities of the company during the past financial year was noted.
- The annual report was approved.
- The proposal to transfer the profit for the year as stated in the annual report was adopted.
- The proposal to grant discharge to the board of directors and the executive board was adopted.
- The proposal for remuneration of the board of directors was adopted
- The board was re-elected.
- The company’s auditor was re-elected.
- The proposal to authorize the board of directors to issue warrants was adopted.
- The proposal to authorize the chairperson with right of substitution to apply for registration of adopted proposals with the Danish Business Authority was adopted.
At a meeting of the board of directors held immediately after the annual general meeting, Bjarne Henning Jensen was re-elected as chairman of the board.
The complete minutes of the annual general meeting will be available on the company's website from today.