Bulletin from the extraordinary general meeting in InCoax Networks AB
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Bulletin from the extraordinary general meeting in InCoax Networks AB

Today, on 4 January 2024, an extraordinary general meeting was held in InCoax Networks AB. The general meeting adopted, inter alia, the following resolution. All resolutions were adopted with the required majority of votes.

Resolution on approval of the board of directors’ resolution on rights issue of shares

The meeting resolved to approve the board of directors’ resolution of 19 December 2023 on a rights issue of a maximum of 36,052,364 shares (the “Rights Issue”). Upon full subscription in the Rights Issue, the company will be provided with approximately SEK 52.6 million, before issue costs. Those who are registered as shareholders in the company on the record date 8 January 2024 will receive one (1) subscription right per existing share. Two (2) subscription rights entitle to subscription of one (1) share at a subscription price of SEK 1,46 per share. Upon full subscription of all shares that are issued in the Rights Issue, the number of shares in the company will increase by a maximum of 36,052,364 shares from 72,104,729 shares to 108,157,093 shares and the share capital will increase by a maximum of SEK 9,013,091.00 from SEK 18,026,182.25 to SEK 27,039,273.25. The subscription period in the Rights Issue runs during the period 10 January 2024 – 24 January 2024. 

Lund on 4 January 2024
InCoax Networks AB (publ)

For additional information:
Jörgen Ekengren, CEO InCoax Networks AB
+46 73- 899 55 52

This information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 10.45 CET on 4 January 2024.

About InCoax Networks AB
InCoax Networks AB (publ) brings new use to properties' existing coaxial cable networks to extend fibre and fixed wireless access (FWA) to the world's leading broadband operators. The technology is a high-performance, future-proof, reliable and cost-effective complement, reducing installation time and improving connectivity, for increased digital inclusion and broad internet access.

For additional information regarding the company, visit www.incoax.com. Vator Securities AB, tel. +46 8-5800 6599, ca@vatorsec.se,is acting as the company's Certified Adviser.

Bifogade filer

PM - Bulletin from the extraordinary general meeting on 4 January 2024https://mb.cision.com/Main/15562/3904124/2522799.pdf

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