Bulletin from Bactiguard Holding AB’s (publ) Annual General Meeting
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Bulletin from Bactiguard Holding AB’s (publ) Annual General Meeting

At Bactiguard Holding AB’s (publ) Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 14 May 2024, the following resolutions were made:

The AGM adopted the income statements and balance sheets for 2023 and decided that no dividend for the financial year 2023 will be paid. Retained earnings and the company's result for the year will be carried forward.

The Board of Directors and CEOs were discharged from liability for their administration of the company for the financial year 2023.

The AGM resolved that the remuneration until the next AGM shall be paid in an amount of SEK 750 000 to the Chairman of the Board and SEK 400 000 to each of the other Directors. No additional remuneration shall be paid for committee work.

Thomas von Koch, Dr Richard Kuntz, Professor Anna Martling, Magdalena Persson and Jan Ståhlberg were re-elected as Board members. Thomas von Koch was elected as the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Deloitte AB was re-elected by the AGM as auditor for the period until the end of the next AGM and it was resolved that remuneration to the auditor shall be paid according to approved invoices.

The AGM adopted the remuneration report, proposed by the Board.

The AGM resolved on guidelines for remuneration to senior executives in accordance with the Board's proposal.

The AGM resolved, in accordance with the Board's proposal, on the authorization for the Board to decide on a new issue of shares, warrants and/or convertibles.

The AGM further resolved, in accordance with the Nomination Committee's proposal, to change the instructions for the Nomination Committee.

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Bulletin from Bactiguard Holding AB s publ Annual General Meeting 2024https://mb.cision.com/Public/9686/3978213/a813ce6aa7d70bb2.pdf

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